- Payne Junior High
- About the Teacher
About Christopher Heady...
Position: 7th & 8th Gifted Social Studies
Team/Department: Team 700/800
Room: B26
Phone: 480-224-2456
Email: Christopher Heady
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Welcome to 7th and 8th Grade CATS Social Studies with Chris Heady. We're going to have a fun and exciting year learning about Social Studies, while hopefully having a great deal of fun in the process.
My Education and Professional Background
I graduated from ASU in 2014 with a degree in Secondary Education (History). I taught middle school social studies for a year in Mesa and taught 7th grade at Payne before moving over to the CATS program.
My Educational Philosophy
I truly believe that every student has the ability to learn, and should therefore be afforded every opportunity to do so. I try to facilitate this by creating a safe environment in which to learn, in combination with creating a variety of lessons that engage and challenge all students, regardless of their particular learning style.
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