- Payne Junior High
- Season Three Overview
Season Three OverviewPayne Junior High School
7655 South Higley Rd.
Queen Creek, AZ 85142
Phone: (480) 224-2400To be able to participate in any sport, you must have a current physical, dated after March 1, 2019. Download AIA forms here and complete the athlete registration on www.registermyathlete.comQuarter 3 -January 9 - 15th Tryouts* 7th Girls Basketball - Ryan Cress* 8th Girls Basketball - Amber Ferguson* 7th Boys Soccer - Michael Schlossberg* 8th Boys Soccer - Matt Bailey
* 7th and 8th Wrestling (Coed/Non-cut) Pat Quinn*Please note that all tryouts are closed to parents and spectators, and during tryouts student-athletes may not wear clothing that affiliates them with a club team, YMCA, or any other organization.Please sign-up for tryouts in the front office and have all required paperwork cleared with the front office prior to the first day of tryouts.
Payne is a member of the East Valley Athletic Conference
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