Payne Junior High School 7655 South Higley Rd. Queen Creek, AZ 85142 Phone: (480) 224-2400
Season 1
August - September
(Tryouts: Monday, July 27th - Thursday, July 30th)
* 7th Girls Volleyball - Danielle Davis * 8th Girls Volleyball - Brad Eyanson
* 7th Boys Baseball - Ryan Durst
* 8th Boys Baseball - Michael Schlossberg * 7th Flag Football - Pat Quinn and Cole Verdusco
* 8th Flag Football - Sam Stevens and Ashley Messenger
Students, please sign up for tryouts in the front office. All physical paperwork must be completed before the first day of tryouts. Questions? Email Ms. Andrea
*Please note that all tryouts are closed to parents and spectators, and during tryouts student-athletes may not wear clothing that affiliates them with a club team, YMCA, or any other organization.