• About Brad Eyanson ...

    Position: 8th Science

    Team/Department: Team 804

    Room: E40

    Phone: 480-224-2470

    Email: Brad Eyanson

     Brad Eyanson

    Connect With Us

    Click here to connect with us on our school social media pages, Infinite Campus Portal (assignments and grades), by email, or by phone.


    Welcome to Science with Mr. Eyanson! It's going to be a great year expanding our knowledge within the different topic areas.

    My Education and Professional Background

    I went to school at a variety of places, but finally settled down with a teaching degree from Ottawa University. I have been working here at Payne since the first year that it opened in 2005.

    My Educational Philosophy

    Education is a tool that we use in our lives everyday. Respect the tools, and what you build will be nothing short of amazing.

Last Modified on November 8, 2022