• PAYNE Junior High


    7th Grade English Language Arts

    Ms. Loran Brigham 


    (480) 224-2437

    Team 701


    “A book, too, can be a star, a living fire to lighten the darkness,
    leading out into the expanding universe.” — Madeleine L’Engle


    Course Aims and Outcomes: 

    Students will closely and attentively read texts so that they can understand and analyze complex works of literature and non-fiction.  Through writing and speaking, students will learn to manipulate language effectively.

    Specific Learning Areas:

    ·         Reading Literature and Informational Text

    o   Key ideas and details

    o   Craft and structure

    o   Integration of knowledge and Ideas

    o   Range of reading and text complexity

    ·         Writing

    o   Text types and purposes

    o   Production and distribution of writing

    o   Research and distribution of writing

    ·         Speaking and Listening

    o   Comprehension and collaboration

    o   Presentation of knowledge and ideas

    ·         Language

    o   Conventions of standard English

    o   Knowledge of English

    o   Vocabulary acquisition and use


    T.E.A.M. Expectations: 

    ·         Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    ·         Exhibit a positive attitude in my work.

    ·         Always give my best effort.

    ·         Make good decisions and be responsible for my actions.


    Required Materials (Daily): 

    ü 3 ring binder

    ü Loose leaf paper

    ü Agenda

    ü Pencil (at least 2 or 3) –Don’t forget your pencil sharpener!

    ü Art supplies –markers, crayons, or colored pencils

    ü Pens (any color)

    ü Highlighter


    ·         For each day missed, the students will be allowed an equal number of days to make up work. 

    ·         Students need to make sure to ask for the assignments if they were gone.  This will help them keep up both on the learning and their grades!

    Late Work:

    ·         If a student does not turn in an assignment on the due date, the percent that they can earn will drop by 10 percent each day that it is late up to 50 percent.

    Bathroom and Drink Breaks:

    ·         Students will be given bathroom/water passes, which can be used during any core class (Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies).  Passes will be provided at the beginning of each quarter.  Of course, students are encouraged to use the facilities during passing periods and lunch as well. 

    ·         It will greatly benefit students to bring a water bottle.  Staying hydrated is very important for a healthy brain and body!


    Grading Categories and Weights

    Grading Scale

    o   Classwork 30%

    o   Assessment 60%

    o   Homework 10%

    90-100% =     A

    80-89%  =      B

    70-79% =       C

    60-69% =       D

    Below 60% = F




Last Modified on November 22, 2016