• 2024 Tryouts will be held at the Perry pool August 12th - 16th, 2024 from 2:30 - 4:30 pm.  In order to try out, all swimmers and divers must register and get cleared through:  Aktivate.  Swimmers & divers will know August 16th if they made the team and will be required to attend 6th hour swim and dive.  Check our website, http://www.perryswimanddive.com, to find the schedule.  That is where we will post any changes to the calendar.  If they make the team, there will be practices and meets over fall break.
    Weekly Practice Schedule

    Based on the current school schedule, practices will be held as follows (subject to change):

    All SWIM & DIVE will be in 6th hour locker:

    Morning swim:   5:15am – 7:00 am Monday - Friday 

                (once meets start there won’t be morning practice on Thursday)

     Afternoon swim:  Monday, Tuesday, Friday

    6th hour – 4:30 unless you attend mornings.   Morning/Club swimmers may leave at 2:30 


    Everyone from 2:30 – 4:30 or morning practice 5:15am-7:00am

    Thursday: (until meet days):

    6th hour – 12:30 – 3:00pm or morning 5:15am-7:00am



    Please consider donating tax credit to the swim and dive team!  We use the tax credit money to pay for an assistant coach.


    College Signees

    • Haley Mueller  University of Utah

    Chloe Convis St. Thomas University


    Alexia Jackson BYU


    Michael Johnson University of Nebraska Omaha


    Michael Loughboro The Masters University


    Evan Nail Arizona State University


    Matt Rose Southern Virgina 


    Amayah Wiley Arizona State University


    2019 - 2020 Signee

    Kalli Fama University of Michigan


    2017 – 2018 Signees

    Kyle Benjamin Concordia University Irvine


    Tai Combs University of Arizona


    Celeste Llona Northern Colorado


    Kaden Miller California State University Berkeley
