• EC LE PHS   
    "You think the only people who are people, are the people who look and think like you.
    But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew you never knew."
    - Disney's Pocahontas




    Our program is so fortunate to be on a campus like Perry High.  We are a part of such a supportive, caring and considerate culture that everybody, from students to substitutes, custodial to administration all greet the children and make them feel safe and welcome.  And it doesn't stop there... 
    Early Childhood Education classes I, II, III & CDA
    We are lucky to be able to integrate lessons and learning with the Early Childhood classes at PHS.  Victoria Fisher's classes intern in our Lil' Explorer's rooms throughout the week with their lesson plans and observation forms, working with our staff towards successful assignments for themselves and new experiences for our children.
    All ECE students also have the opportunity to be employed by CUSD as student worker in our program (and in the Kids Express aftershool programs at various CUSD elementary campuses).  While they are employed, the students have the same professional responsibilities and experiences as our regular fulltime staff and work side by side with us in the rooms until graduation. 
    In the past, Angela Stutz, has invited our older children in to decorate gingerbread houses and hunt eggs with Perry High's Culinary I & II classes.  We look forward to more opportunities and experiences that only Culinary can provide.
    Creative Writing
    Susan Halberg's Creative Writing classes have came in and shared their stories with all of our classrooms...infants to 4 year-olds!  And everybody wanted to hear more, more, more!  This is definitely something we look forward to sharing every year.
    AP Psychology
    Joceyln Dolan and her Advanced Placement Psychology classes from Casteel High School, come over and visit when they work with Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory.  The high school students interact and gain knowledge for their coursework from their interactions with our little guys.  
    The kids from the Special Education classes take such good care of ALL of us!  As part of learning life help skills, SPED comes around once a week to grab the infant room laundry and then bring it back clean and ready to go the next morning. This past year, one of the students that was delivering always wanted to go into the room to see the "puppies." :) We couldn't help but giggle to hear him ask for the puppies instead of the babies no matter how often he was corrected! 
    Clubs and Sports and More...oh my!
    We are never forgotten when the German classes parade through for Mardi Gras.  Or when the coaches and teachers hay ride and carol past the playground.  And especially not at Halloween!  We receive dozens of invites for the little guys to visit classrooms, the cafeteria, administrators, attendance office and counselors for a little trick-or-treat parade on campus.  It's a fun, busy, long and tiring morning, well worth the treats, fun and smiles. 
    "Why fit in when you were born to stand out."
    ~Dr. Suess

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